Monday 17 February 2014

Style notes: Martha Costello.

Martha Costello is the lead character played by Maxine Peake in BBC law drama 'Silk'. She's the first character/person to come into the spotlight on my 'Style notes' series because right now I'm currently working my way in a obsessive manner through series 2. Oh, the joy of Netflix.

It's hard to find a lot of images to showcase her style but I managed to find some around Tumblr and Pinterest. She's got one of the images I love so much with a snappy kickass personality to match. There is just something about slightly disheveled blonde hair paired with Red lips that I will forever use as a style reference. Then a classic white shirt and black sunglasses. The whole thing just makes me really wish I'd have done better at A Level law.

Of course the personality of the character adds to that desire too, she's northern, fiery and always adds an unusual twist on cases. In one episode of the first series she mentions her first trial was the 15th May 1995, obviously a date you can assume was plucked out of thin air by writers but I kinda love it the characters first case was on the day I was born. Maybe I can be a Martha Costello?

Thursday 6 February 2014

Food Fridays: All Bar One - Euston station

Despite the fact 'All Bar One' is a chain of bars up and down the country I'd never actually been before my trip to London this week. It's somewhat ironic that I've walked past both the Liverpool and Manchester venues countless time but it took me a trip to the capital filled with buzzing independent eateries and drinking establishments to select a chain I could while away a hour in. Though kudos to me for not heading to my old faithful chains of Pizza Express/Nando's\Wagamama.

Hannah just went for a cappuccino which came along side a cute little shot glass of smarties and a bowl of all the sugar she could ever possibly desire. I got a 'Peach Melba' which to me, ended up sounding a lot better then it tasted. It looked super yummy though, I just personally wasn't keen on the flavour.

Being the type of girl that reads the dessert menu before she's selected her main (anyone else?!) I thought it would be rude to resist one for lunch, particularly considering they were sharing platters and I could get Hannah on board! We ordered churros which were super delicious, though a little naughty considering the amount of awful food we'd ate in 24 hours, the Waitrose pasta at 3AM being my ultimate downfall (though why I was eating at that time in the morning is another story entirely)

The main menu sounded lovely and I'm a sucker for presentation so I can assure you ill be heading to the Liverpool one as soon as I get a chance and reporting back!