Friday, 17 January 2014

Friday night.

Mine was full of unexpected loveliness; A gorgeous dinner with family and lots of photographic fun.

It is actually the first Friday night in forever where I've not ate instant noodles with my best friend Gossip Girl and I totally loved it! This is actually the first weekend since October I've not been working so I'm super loving the fact I've a lie in waiting for me in the morning if I want it. I mean, who knew the smell of coffee beans could be absent from Friday evenings?!

 I've always been a lover of Friday nights but I think recently I've forgotten it. Previously they've always seemed to sparkle with possibilities but three months of University that went oh so horribly wrong left my weekends lacking in anything but netflix. Friday and Saturday evenings just felt like painful people absences so I think I forgot how good weekend evenings can be.

Friday nights have always been a release for me. A total, throw caution to the wind type of affair. They may never have been wild, but they've always helped to sooth the stresses of a long hard week or ignite my need for something to do. For as long as I can remember the Friday night of my diary has been otherwise engaged. As a child Friday nights were spent helping my Nan with her weekly shop in Sainsbury's. I have vivid memories of this and my favourite part was the beans on toast in the cafe afterwards, with rainbow Jelly too if I was lucky! Some bonus occasions even offered a magazine and I'd have endless decisions to be made about my choice of child literature...many a moment was spent virtually battling 'Girl Talk's' kitten and silver ballerinas with 'Rugrats's Passport around the world' filled with cool facts and fun jokes. In the years that followed activities came in the form of Cheerleading (Just don't ask) and youth groups. Regardless of whether it appears it you my Friday night was actually once upon a time the highlight of my social calendar but I think this evening reminded me of the importance in hurrying up and reinstating its position.

 My dream evening scenario seems like it would fit into the box of a meal out and cocktails with friends but I had such a fun filled evening tonight that I think my stereotype idea of how I'd love a Friday night should be thrown right out of the ring. Instead, please enter all the unexpected, impromptu lovely evenings I could have if only I'd let myself.

Tonight I ate the worlds nicest home cooked meal and the best shop bought dessert I've ever had with my Auntie and Cousin and it was just wonderful. We sang along to Dido and Shania Twain, took endless photos and shared a lot of laughs. It was just what I needed to shake me out of the Friday Night blues and inspire me to not waste my time.

 So if you've an invitation to go out somewhere - take it. Don't waste your precious free hours, the ones you count down to, slumped in front of a boring TV programme your only watching cause there is nothing else on. Go out, have your type of fun. If your dream Friday night is at the chess society then just go do it! Don't let life hold you back from living. Grab your spare time, your Friday nights and run with them before you look back and realise you've no vivid memories of the times that are supposed to be the best of your life. If you too have the friday night blues - plan yourself something for this time next week and report back, I'd love to hear what you get up to.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday I had a soak in the bath, watched my favourite soaps, wrote a blog post and listened to Paloma Faith and Hal. Very quiet but much needed after a stressful week! x
